Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) are the invisible waves produced by a combination of electric and magnetic sources of energy. They surround any electrical device that is plugged in or turned on. Protect yourself from the dangers associated with EMFs from everyday electronics with the Juuva Cation Shield.
The Cation Shield neutralizes dangerous cations (positive ions/free radicals) with beneficial anions (negative ions/simple antioxidants). This helps strengthen your body’s bio-field by bathing you with the beneficial effects of anions that help combat EMFs.*

The CDC reported that the average person has 10 connected electronic devices that they’re exposed to each and every day.

The National Council of Radiation Protection and Measurement declared that 2mG (Milli-Guass) is the maximum amount of EMFs that the human body can handle at any one exposure.

Exposuresto EMFs build up in our bodies affecting our energy, sleep, memory, and weight loss
Is Your Family Protected?
8 reasons you need to be using the Juuva Cation Shield:
- Protection from EMFs*
- Stabilizes brain function*
- Recovery from fatigue*
- Strengthens the immune system*
- Increases Metabolism*
- Promotes better digestion*
- Increases cell rejuvenation*
- Balances the autonomic nervous system*
- “I enjoy the protection of the cation shield as I ride the BART train during commute hours and everyone has their electronic devices on. I wear the shield on a charm bracelet so I have some protection whether I have my cell phone or not.”
``I have joint pain for over 27 years. My right knee started to hurt as I would kneel. I put four cation shields in a simple knee brace and wore it every day. The pain in my knee decreased significantly over three weeks where I could final kneel with very little pain. The shields helped reduce the inflammation that had developed in my knee.”
- “I have an unusual application for the Cation Shield. I have a lot of pain in my right knee. I placed four Cation Shields in a knee brace around my knee cap. After two weeks the pain in my knee has greatly decreased and I barely notice it. I wear the knee brace 24/7 and the Cation Shields have made a huge difference in the pain I feel.”
The Juuva product line provides healthy & natural solutions to everyday needs. Juuva offers world class Nutrition, Antioxidant, Skin Care, Alkaline Water, Probiotic, CBD & EMF Protection products.